Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tamara's Story: Medical Mission Team from the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota

Guest Blogger: Tamara Torrez-Koll
Tamara is a high school junior at Inter-American School in Xela, Guatemala. She, along with four classmates, volunteered as translators for the medical and dental teams from the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota.

This is Tamara's story:

June 29, 2009: We were in the San Marcos Episcopal Chruch, Xela and I was placed with the Dental Team in the ballet studio/comedor/Sunday school. I worked with Bryanne Hildebrandt. The eight hours went rather smoothly, a few extractions and one filling.

June 30, 2009: We went to Chugüexa Chimaltenango. It was cold and dreary, raining a lot. I was placed at the nurse's station with Pam Pranke for the first half of the day. After she and I had lunch I was placed with Jennifer Risan, a medical provider. We had a patient with a build-up of wax she thought was a piece of garlic.
July 1, 2009: Wednesday found us in Nuevo Chuatuj, Coatepeque. I was placed again with the Dental Team, specifically with Bryanne Hildebrandt. The day was hot and humid with a
torrential rain in the afternoon. The rain forced us to move the equipment since the zinc roof had holes in it. After dinner we headed home.

July 2, 2009: Again in Nuevo Chuatuj, Coatepeque. I was with the Dental Team (Bryanne Hildebrandt) again. The day was even warmer than the day before. There was blood and gore and teeth and needles. I learned a lot. It rained again but by then we had a black cover keeping out the rain.

July 3, 2009: Friday we ended up in Pachaj, Cantel. We had been programmed to go to Santa Maria de Jesus, but due to complication we were re-routed to Pachaj. In Pachaj I worked with Darlene Bartz. She was very nice and we had pleasant chats in between the patients. We had one patient with an "aching heart." She was bent and old and white, passed gray. She told us her sad story; I don't think I'll forget her any time soon.

July 4, 2009: I awoke Saturday morning refreshed and still dreaming about Friday night's amazing dinner. I forced myself out of a bed that wasn't mine and went to the Episcopal Church, San Marcos, Xela (after a detour for breakfast). I passed the morning and noon in the company of the Dental Team; again with Bryanne Hildebrandt. After I went home and wrote an essay.

July 10, 2009: Today I sit, accompanied by my fellow classmates at IAS. The smell of the coming school year hangs in the air...

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