Felipe is a high school junior from Inter-American School in Xela, Guatemala. He, with four of his classmates volunteered to translate for the medical and dental teams from the Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota.
This is Felipe's story.
Daily Log
1) June 1 Monday: 8:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
Medicine Inventory
We arrived to Saint Marks Episcopal church and started arranging medicine supplies. Counting them and putting them where they belong.
2)June 29 Monday: 10:30a.m.-6:30p.m.
Medical Clinic(Xela)
We got there and waited for the Medical Team from The Episcopal Diocese of the North Dakota to arrived. When they arrived we helped them set up their equipment. I started Translating for Dr. Karen Rohr till 6:3op.
3)June 30 Tuesday: 7:30a.m.-8:oop.m.
Medical Clinic: Chuguexa(Chimaltenango)
We got there and started working with a hard storm over our heads. And worked with Dr. Karen Rohr Translating for her. Had to translate for entire families consisting of 10 members each.
4,5)June 1&2 Wednesday&Thursday: 7:30a.m.-8:oop.m both days
Dental Clinic:Nueva Chuatuj (coatepeque)
I worked with Dr. Anna Pranata and her assistant Jamee Weibe translating in the Dental Clinic.
Both days I worked for them and got many patients.
6)July 3 Friday : 7:30a.m.-9:30p.m.
Dental Clinic: Pachaj(CANTEL)
Worked with Dr. Anna Pranata and Jamme Weibe and also translating for Dr.Bryanne Hildebrandt. Translating in the Dental Clinic.
7)June 4 saturday: 7:30a.m.-2:30p.m.
Medical Clinic(xela)
Help nurse Pam Pranke in giving recipes for patients to follow. Also help other Doctors in translating.
8-11)July 6-9: 11:3oa.m.-1:30p.m.
We spend some time talking and eating with the elderly people.
12)July 10 Friday: 8:ooa.m.-12:00p.m.
(Inter American School)
We started making this blog
My Experience
Helping The Medical Team From The Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota made me experience many wonderful things I had never felt before. Spending some time with each one help me learn many new things. We had many difficulties, but we managed to resolve it and keep working.
Since the beginning it was very hard waking up at 6:30a.m, but i had a strong opinion of helping people who really needed it. I now understand that many people apparent to be healthy, but in reality they have some kind of illness. My first experience was to fight against weather, I had to support heavy rains( but i still kept working). When we finish I had to carry the heaviest thing i had ever carried. With rain pouring and mud all over me I took it safely toward the van. I learn that if you endeavor something you really want to do you can can do it no matter what is opposed to it. I realize some people cannot really drive in this world, our drivers had too many problems. If I had never tried this before, I would still be thinking people are healthy over the world.
For me community service was awesome, we kept learning more and more everyday. Helping people who needed it, can make you feel wonderful. I really encourage people to have this class, you will never experience community service as much as we did.
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