Inter-American School sits on a hill overlooking central Quetzaltenango (Xela). The campus is beautiful and the view of the city, with the Santa María Volcano in the background, is spectacular. The school has four buildings. As you enter from the street the first building at the bottom of the hill is the Middle School building. Middle School consists of sixth, seventh and eighth grades. The building was intitially constructed as a dormitory for teachers and even has a fireplace and a kitchen. The kitchen is used for bake sales and often, when a teacher is available, for a home-economics elective class.A long flight of stairs, or a winding driveway, leads to the other three buildings at the top of the hill. The stairs are surrounded by trees and flowers, a scenic but tiring (for some of us over sixty) climb.
The next building as we ascend is the high school science and math building. This building is shared with the pre-kindergarden students at the far end.
A short stairs leads to the main education building which houses all of elementary school (kindergarden through fifth grade), and the high school english, history and religion class rooms. The class rooms surround a central assembly area where meetings and chapel services are held. The far end of the building houses the cafeteria ... the students bring their own lunches and snacks.
A covered walk-way leads from the main eduction building to the building at the top of the hill. Here we have the adminisrative offices, teachers lounge, physical education office (with equipment room), media center, computer lab and library.
The library is the largest and most comprehensive in the city of Xela (which is the home to San Carlos University and four smaller universities)! So, we have a wonderful library. The computer lab allows each class from kindergarden through high school to learn and develop a full range of computer skills. There are also several computers in the library.
The next building as we ascend is the high school science and math building. This building is shared with the pre-kindergarden students at the far end.
A short stairs leads to the main education building which houses all of elementary school (kindergarden through fifth grade), and the high school english, history and religion class rooms. The class rooms surround a central assembly area where meetings and chapel services are held. The far end of the building houses the cafeteria ... the students bring their own lunches and snacks.
A covered walk-way leads from the main eduction building to the building at the top of the hill. Here we have the adminisrative offices, teachers lounge, physical education office (with equipment room), media center, computer lab and library.
The library is the largest and most comprehensive in the city of Xela (which is the home to San Carlos University and four smaller universities)! So, we have a wonderful library. The computer lab allows each class from kindergarden through high school to learn and develop a full range of computer skills. There are also several computers in the library.
Laurel uses the media center regularly in his classes. In addition to the computer lab, we have 12 WIFI notebook computers. The teacher's computer can project on the wall in order to lead students through internet research. Laurel has had each of his classes create a class Blog. Laurel posts study-guides and other class information on the Blog. The students can submit their required class journals and even their homework assignments on the Blog (as an option to pen and paper). The Blog belongs to the students ... so they are free to post notes to each other and the teacher, post photos and be creative. Some classes make better use of this option more than others.
Beyond the Administration building is the parking lot, outdoor basketball court, and soccer field. The view from here is magnificent. Xela has an elevation of 7,658 feet and is surrounded by even higher moutains and volcanoes.
Beyond the Administration building is the parking lot, outdoor basketball court, and soccer field. The view from here is magnificent. Xela has an elevation of 7,658 feet and is surrounded by even higher moutains and volcanoes.
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